What will I do?
If tomorrow my world turns upside down?
What will I do?
Worry? That’s lucky people paradise
Unlucky I am, so jump on a boat, find ‘my’ paradise
Go to the bluest of seashore
Count the seashells, washed up
Till infinity I will count
Till dusk becomes dawn
And dawn becomes dusk
Listen to no one
I will count
That’s how ‘I’ will be found
My legs will become sand
The waves will wash away me
Shrinking me, pulling and crashing me in
The mermaids’ sound
Sweet as nectar
I will listen carefully
Calling me out
I will swim
To the center
To the core
Towards the seas’ symphonies
Deep dive
My rebellion driven into my arms and legs like adrenaline shot will become my oxygen
Blue Whale, Octopus, Star Fish, Jelly Fish, Sea Horse
All will standstill
As I take the inevitable course
And wouldn’t it be a spectacle
The human being in all its glory
Stripped of his fallacies and games
Just one with the nature
As it used to be time and again
I will look back though
Seeing my physical self
At the seashore
Waving to me
Cheering me on
This bottomless heart quenches for the sea
He knows!
Which is salty
He knows!
Journey in itself is faulty
He knows & I know too
But what to do?
We all creatures of different size and shape
Lucky fit in boxes and unlucky one’s escape…