When the commotion has ended and the smiles and the ecstasies have faded away
There he stands at the perils,
Once Again!
The end is near, a new ending begins
Like birth and rebirth, the whimsical cycle
He stands; legs wobbling & hands straining
Is he the ultimate rebel? One without a rebellion, without a cause?
Spectrum of life; security and comfort zone on the left or insecurities and untold stories on the right
Everything is indeed tearing him apart!
The path, which he once thought was the righteous path, the path of suffering, which would have lead to the ultimate reward
Now here he stands with plastered currencies, smoked away pictures and fog filled memories
All these rewards calling him out – A Coward!
It’s just him, alone, looking out of the broken glasses, stilled in the broken vases, reflection of his own scattered faces, his unmattered phases
Just naysayers and false soothsayers
Blaming on circumstances and higher power
Is he a failure? A labelled garment; pretty on the outside and ugly in the inside
Still confused, still out-of-his-own-views
What picture he wants to paint, unknown and all in vain
Ousted by own deceptions and self assurances, foxed by life again
Another year gone by of pretending
These words provide him some solace, some venting
But Alas!
His demeanor is cool
Life has presented another cliffhanger
He knows the drill, knows it won’t last long, no need to stress or waste energies on these damn fool of emotions
Time has come to haste, his laces are untied and the jump is inevitable, unavoidable
He is on the edge again, just a little push and maybe he may slip and fall or maybe he will plunge, whatever he does he will have no further regrets, he will path those ways no matter the pays
These are the choices he has made and it will be honest and being true to oneself, his outtake
So lights camera action, here he goes, hoping this is his final take!